Soo fadiso, come sit down

Somali Kitchen


Commercial positioning, brand strategy, brand tone & messaging, visual identity, packaging design, trade presenter



The Challenge

To introduce Somali cuisine and a range of award-winning sauces to health-conscious shoppers who crave variety and convenience, overcoming cultural bias and making space at the table for Somali ‘basbas’ sauce.

The Approach

We worked with anthropology and semiotic expert Dr. Michael Bloomfield to identify positive Somali cultural cues - exuberance, character and warmth, finding parallels with perceptions of ‘premium’ in British food and drink brands. To make authentic Somali 'basbas' accessible and inviting, we positioned it as a chutney. By using language that British audiences understand, we instantly solve the obvious questions ‘What is it?’ and ‘How do I use it?’ .

The Outcome

Initial interest from buyers has been immediate and incredibly positive: "The products and branding look great!" ~ Kelly Orme, Buyer @ CoOp. The challenge now begins to raise investment and make a space at the table for Somali flavours.

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